프리드라이프 고객센터 Freed Life Customer Center

I found the phone number of the Free Life customer service center and how to cancel it. As my parents got older, I thought I should prepare for the future to some extent. I don’t have a lot of family, so I’m looking into funeral services because I think I’ll be too embarrassed if I have to hold a funeral.

Freedlife customer service phone number
Freed Life customer service phone number: 1588-3740
1588-3740 is a call center where you can receive funeral registrations as well as consultations such as subscription or cancellation of general products. Funeral reception is available 24 hours a day.

프리드라이프 고객센터

It seems that Freed Life has established itself as the No. 1 company as well as Boram Sangjo. This is one of the companies I am interested in. Previously, it was sold at Hi-Mart, and these days, home shopping also sells funeral service products. 프리드라이프 고객센터

When you access the Freed Life website, you can check the customer center phone number in the middle as shown in the picture above, and connect directly.

☞Free Life website: https://preedlife.com/ 좋은뉴스 


How to cancel Free Life
When canceling a contract midway, you must first check the cancellation refund. Since mutual aid products are not deposits, I couldn’t get 100% of the amount I paid. You shouldn’t think that it’s natural to receive all the principal because some of the money falls out in the form of business expenses.

You should check your membership card first. Since the refund rate differs depending on the payment period, calculate the expected cancellation refund by referring to the refund amount table. There are not many products that give 100% of the principal amount even after maturity. This is not only Free Life but other mutual aid companies are almost similar.


Some products say that 100% will be given if payment is made at full maturity, but you need to check if your product also falls under this category. Usually, the smaller the payment period, the lower the refund rate, and the closer you are to maturity, the more you can get 80% or more.


The cancellation method is to apply by phone and submit the application form. In some cases, other companies must visit a branch, but Freed Life says that it is not necessary to visit a branch, and you can apply by faxing or e-mailing your identity and application form.