롯데택배 고객센터 Lotte Parcel Service Customer Center

Lotte Parcel Service Customer Center Phone Number Information

In this article, we will look at how to contact the Lotte Courier Customer Center, including the phone number. If you have any questions while using courier service, or if you would like to receive guidance regarding shipping, please contact the customer center and check to receive prompt guidance. Then, let’s find out how to check the Lotte Courier customer center contact number through a search.

If you use a search engine such as Naver or Google and enter Lotte Courier and then search, you will see a link to the Lotte Global Logistics homepage as follows. 롯데택배 고객센터


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Then, you can use this link to go to the Lotte Courier homepage. If you go to the Lotte Courier homepage, you can see the customer support item in the upper right menu. 좋은뉴스


If you click the Customer Support section, you can view the Customer Voice section as follows. Click this item to see detailed information about the Lotte Parcel Service Customer Center.


First, let’s check the Lotte Courier customer center phone number. The Lotte Courier Customer Center phone number is 1588-2121. If you have any questions, please contact us at this number for detailed information.


On the Lotte Courier Customer Center information page, you can check frequently asked questions and answers related to parcel delivery.

Therefore, if you have any inquiries, please check the courier service faq first, as it may be helpful. So let’s take a look at some frequently asked questions.


First of all, online delivery requests are operated 24 hours a day. You can make a delivery reservation online right on the Internet without having to call. And when making a delivery reservation online, you can use the same delivery service as making a phone reservation.

In addition, there are answers to inquiries about unhandled items that cannot be sent by courier. Basically, items that cannot be handled cannot be sent by courier if they are subject to damage or decay due to poor packaging. In addition, you cannot send art or valuables exceeding 3 million won per box, and cash is also an item that cannot be sent by courier. Also, you cannot send items over 25kg or long items over 160cm. In addition, medium and large items such as car batteries or swivel chairs and explosive items cannot be sent.


Also, please note that an additional 50% surcharge is charged when sending parcels to fragile items or remote mountainous areas.

If you wish to return an item, please contact the seller first to discuss the return. You can use the return reception desk by calling 1588-2121 and receiving it over the phone to the dedicated return counselor. And at this time, you can use the return service faster if you check the courier transportation number on the item box and then contact us.

In addition, there is a guide for heavy cargo and a guide for sending courier for the first time. Also, please note that the weight and package are classified based on the sum of the lengths of the three sides being 160cm. The reason why additional freight is added when sending couriers to islands is that when using a boat, transportation and pilotage fees are added, so additional costs will be incurred accordingly.

And, if there is an urgent situation that you will have an accident while using Lotte Courier, you can get quick guidance by calling the direct phone number of the accident at 1670-2233.

Above, we looked at the customer center phone number when using Lotte Courier. If you have urgent inquiries, inquire about delivery, or other inquiries, you can use this phone number to inquire and receive detailed guidance.

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