현대카드 고객센터 Hyundai Card Customer Center

Hyundai Card Customer Center phone number, homepage, direct link to counselor

Find out the Hyundai Card customer center phone number and contact time. These days, the application is so easy to use that there are not many things to call the customer service center. Nevertheless, if you change important information or have a problem with your card, calling the customer center is the fastest and most accurate solution.

현대카드 고객센터

Hyundai Card customer center phone number
The Hyundai Card customer center phone number is 1577-6000. At one time, there was a time when it was difficult to even find a phone number as Hyundai Card implemented a policy of converting the customer center to an automatic response service and chatbot.

At that time, it was difficult to find out the phone number itself in order to connect with a counselor. These days, the customer center guidance is good again. And there are so many steps to connect to the customer center, so it was very inconvenient for the elderly to use it. Young people can use non-face-to-face services such as chatbots and KakaoTalk consultations these days, but the elderly still need to connect with a counselor. 현대카드 고객센터

Hyundai Card customer center phone number 1577-6000
Available hours for contacting customer center agents: Weekdays from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm 좋은뉴스

Call center phone number for each Hyundai Card service
1577-6000 is Hyundai Card’s representative customer center, and call centers for each service are operated. For services that require urgent help, such as reporting theft or loss, or approving transactions, call 1577-6200. It is a call center that operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Other long-term card loan and short-term card loan applications and inquiries are also available 24 hours a day, just call 1577-6100. For other consultations related to debt waiver, deferral products, personal information security service, shopping care products, and auto care products, please use 1588-3483.

If you need help while using your card abroad, call 82-2-3015-9000 for inquiries about card use and 82-2-3015-9200 for consultations on theft, loss, and transaction approval.

Check the customer center phone number on the Hyundai Card website
I found the customer service phone number above. In the future, we will tell you how to check directly on the Hyundai Card website or app. After accessing the Hyundai Card website, select three lines [All Menus] and then select [Customer Center] in succession.

After that, if you select the [ARS consultation] menu, you can check all the Hyundai Card customer center phone numbers checked above. Refer to the picture below and follow along.