4대보험정보연계센터 4 insurance information linking centers

4 How to fill out and apply for a dependent qualification acquisition report at the Daesang Dae Insurance Information Center


It is a time saver that saves your precious time.



I heard that there are many people who submitted their resignations or were advised to resign because of unpaid leave. Because of this, if you try to pay health insurance premiums as a local subscriber in a situation where you do not have an income, you cannot help but feel burdened. 4대보험정보연계센터


I also recently applied for a postponement of the national pension because I did not have much profit while doing business.

It is said that you have to pay about 100,000 won per month as a local subscriber. 좋은뉴스



Let’s find out how to fill out the dependent qualification acquisition report and how to report it.

First of all, there is a way to fill out the declaration of qualification as a dependent through the National Health Insurance Service.



To go to the National Health Insurance Corporation, please click here.


After accessing the site, go to the form data room on the right side and search for dependents. You can download it directly from the data room.


Search by dependents in the entire archive.



Click on the attached file to download.


Fill out the downloaded file and send it to the Health Insurance Corporation by fax.



However, there is an easier way to apply for a dependent qualification acquisition report.

This is how to apply online directly from the four major insurance information linking centers.




Please click here to move to the four major insurance information linking centers.

After accessing the site, you must register as a member and log in.

You can sign up immediately with a public certificate and use it easily.







Please complete the registration and log in using your personal non-member login.










After completing the log-in, click the complaint report at the top left of the homepage main page – Health insurance employee subscriber dependent qualification acquisition report.













If you click the corresponding button, it will be processed immediately and the processing result will be displayed.

In order to report a dependent qualification acquisition report after registering an accredited certificate through the four major private insurance information connection centers, the employee subscriber must report.



This means that you must be an employee.

It is said that the person who wants to acquire the qualification of a dependent cannot apply.









When registering dependents, two conditions must be met to be able to report.



First of all, in the case of making a living by an employee subscriber, it is determined by the relationship with the subscriber and whether or not to live together.


It is limited to the spouse, lineal ascendant, lineal descendant, and spouse, brother, or sister of the employee subscriber.

And it’s important that you meet the support conditions.




Next is if there is no remuneration or income.

In conclusion, it can be said that it is possible with little income.


In particular, there are exceptions for business income. If you are running a business with a business registration certificate, you are not eligible in principle, even if your income is only 1 won.

In the case of freelancers, it is said that it is possible when the annual income is less than 5 million won.




In this way, we learned how to fill out a dependent qualification acquisition report and how to apply simply online.

Recently, the National Health Insurance Corporation also provides benefits for reducing insurance premiums according to the insurance premium income standard. I received a bill last month with 50% of my premium reduced.



In a situation where income is decreasing, I try to endure every day by preventing even a little consumption.