우체국 인터넷뱅킹 Post office internet banking

How to use Post Office Internet Banking

Today, I would like to learn more about post office internet banking and talk about it. As you know, the post office is in charge of postal services, but it also provides various services from telecommunications to parcel delivery and banking. As much as people’s trust in the post office is high, there are a lot of users of post office deposits. The post office can do internet banking like other banks, and the application method is the same. If you apply for Post Office Internet Banking, you can easily use banking services at home. Let’s look at how to use Post Office Internet Banking. 우체국 인터넷뱅킹


우체국 인터넷뱅킹



First, search for Postal Internet Banking on the portal site and access the homepage. 좋은뉴스






When you access the Postal Savings website, you can see menus such as financial products, deposits, insurance, and cards. Are you curious about what services are provided in detail?





As you can see, there are various menus for deposit products, insurance, loans, points, and member store inquiries.





The transfer service that many people use requires an official certificate like other banks.





If you click the accredited certification center at the top of the first page, various menus such as issuance/reissuance of accredited certificates, registration of accredited certificates from other banks, renewal and abolition of accredited certificates, management, and copying of smartphone certificates are available.


And the procedure for new use of postal deposit is as follows.





Finally, we will guide you through the use of post office internet banking.

1. The customer’s PC must be able to access the Internet.

2. Internet Explorer 7.0 or later browser must be installed on the customer’s PC.

3. Visit the post office and fill out the e-banking service application form. To use Internet banking, visit the post office and fill out the electronic financial service application form. This is a process to verify the user’s identity, so please visit us even if you feel uncomfortable. (Materials to prepare: bankbook/ID card/seal)

4. Remember your user ID (ID). If you apply for internet banking, the post office will issue you a user ID and security card.




5. Access the Postal Savings & Insurance website (www.epostbank.go.kr).

6. Click the login button on the left side of the screen to access the Internet Banking page.

7. Click the Authentication Center button on the top left of the Internet Banking main page to receive a certificate. Enter the user ID and security card number issued by the post office. After completing the certificate application, enter the certificate password to be used by the customer. After completing the certificate application, select the certificate storage medium. And the issued certificate is installed on the user’s PC and authentication server. To revoke the issued certificate, click the Certificate Center button on the left side of the Internet Banking page without logging in and click Certificate Management.

8. Log in to Post Office Internet Banking. After selecting the certificate to be used, enter the certificate password specified by the customer.

9. If you succeed in logging in, your post office contract account information will be printed out. The withdrawal account inquiry page is displayed, and you can immediately check the balance of the account.

10. Please select and use the transaction you want from the transaction menu at the top and left of the screen.


This concludes the information on using Post Office Internet Banking.