무상거주사실확인서 Certificate of free residence

Save on National Health Insurance premiums by submitting a certificate of free residency


National Health Insurance is compulsory insurance that everyone must sign up for. When we go to the hospital to receive treatment or take medicine, we can all benefit from the National Health Insurance. However, unlike general insurance, where premiums increase according to age, National Health Insurance premiums are determined according to income. The higher the income, the higher the health insurance premium, and the lower the income, the lower the premium.

It is true that insurance is very necessary for daily life, but it is true that insurance premiums are burdensome. In particular, in the case of general office workers who are covered by the 4 insurances, it is good because the business operator pays half of the insurance. It is true that the burden is heavy.

So, it would be great if we could reduce the premiums for National Health Insurance. There are ways to reduce your National Health Insurance premium, and one of them is to submit a certificate of free residency. 무상거주사실확인서




A certificate of free residence is a document confirming that you are living in someone else’s house without paying rent and living for free. That is, if I am living on the money.

In fact, there are surprisingly many cases like this. Living at my parents’ house is free. In addition, if you do not pay, such as living in a brother or sister’s house for a certain period of time or living in a friend’s house for free, all of them are free residence. 좋은뉴스


In this case, if you fill out and submit a confirmation of free residency, you can reduce the National Health Insurance premium for that period.

In order to submit the confirmation of free residence, first access the website of the National Health Insurance Corporation, download the confirmation of free residence and fill it out.

Enter the personal information of the gratuitous resident, the period of residence, the reason for the free resident, the relationship with the gratuitous lender who allowed the free resident, and the personal information of the gratuitous borrower. Lastly, the free lender’s signature or stamp is stamped, and the applicant submits the form after signing and stamping it.


Applications may be submitted in person, or may be faxed or mailed.

There are additional documents. If the free lender is the building owner, he or she must submit either a building management ledger, a certified copy of the register, a local tax payment receipt, or an unauthorized building confirmation.

If the free lender is a monthly rental contract, a monthly rental contract must be submitted. However, starting from 2019, if the contract for rental and monthly rent has received a fixed date, if the contents of the contract are confirmed through the fixed date information, there is no need to submit a separate written contract for rental and monthly rental. So, all you have to do is submit a confirmation of free residency.




National health insurance, which is essential to us, and ordinary people who do not have enough money to livelihood should pay insurance premiums.