화물운송자격증 시험 문제 Freight transport license test questions

Professional qualifications are required to work in a specialized occupation. Cargo transportation is also conducting a cargo transportation job qualification test to ensure safe operation and to provide more professional transportation services. A must-have license to drive! Today, I will tell you the information on the freight transport license exam question.

화물운송자격증 시험 문제

First of all, to briefly introduce the test, a total of 80 questions consisting of (traffic and cargo related laws/cargo handling tips/safe driving/transportation service) must be answered for 48 questions (60%) or more in 80 minutes. The site below will tell you how to prepare for the exam. 화물운송자격증 시험 문제

Freight transport license exam questions
Go to Freight Transportation Previous Question Book 좋은뉴스


I need a question book to prepare for the qualification test. Most of the qualifying exams are not free, but you can take a free collection of freight forwarding licenses on a site called Driver’s Bar Test.

Please search for and connect to ‘Baro Test’ in the search box of Daum or Naver to solve the previous question on the cargo transport license. (Or paste www.drivers.kr/barotest.html into the address bar and go there)

When you access the Drivers bar test site like this, the main screen appears. I was able to confirm that it is a site where you can prepare not only the relevant license, but also the taxi driver’s license.


(For reference, the baro test is also provided on a smartphone so that you can easily solve it while traveling. Smartphone: baro test search – access – cargo transport qualification test)


If you click on the link to the freight forwarder certification on the site, there are past questions, expected questions, practical questions, and download service for exam materials. To be able to solve the exam questions, you must first click on the download of the test materials and study the summary book.


If you have already studied to some extent, you can pass this part and solve the exam questions right away. If you are preparing for the exam for the first time, you must first study the 4 subjects for the exam.


I think you will be able to pass 45 points if you check the missing parts through the predictions and past questions of the previous freight transportation certification exam questions, study again, and solve the actual problems. Member reviews are left on the site, so it would be nice to refer to them.

Comprehensive summary of previous questions on cargo transport license

A cargo transport license is required for drivers who provide transportation services such as consignment, individual, and general cargo through trucks equipped with business license plates (yellow).


Test subjects: Traffic and cargo-related laws (25 questions)/Cargo handling tips (15 questions)/Safe driving (25 questions)/Transportation service (15 questions) Passed 48 questions or more at 60% or more


Test Duration: (Total 80 minutes) 1 am 9:20 ~ 10:40 / 2 am 11:00 ~ 12:20 / 3 pm 14:00 ~ 3:20 / 4 pm 4:00 ~ 5 Hour 20 minutes (For other details, please check http://lic.kotsa.or.kr with the contents.)

So far, I’ve been looking into the details of the freight forwarding license exam collection site. I hope you prepared carefully and stick to it in one shot. thank you