맹장염 자가진단 Appendicitis self-diagnosis

Appendicitis self-diagnosis, shall we do it together?

맹장염 자가진단

Abdominal pain is a symptom that everyone experiences at least once in their lives, and the causes vary from person to person, from simply having stool or gas to the pain caused by a specific disease. If it’s not an abdominal pain that gets better by taking action right away, it can be a difficult situation to continue your daily life.


In general, when experiencing severe abdominal pain, some people think, “Has the appendix burst?” That’s because appendicitis can be said to be the end of abdominal pain. Today, let’s find out what appendicitis is, and look at the initial symptoms and progressing symptoms of appendicitis through 10 self-diagnosis items for appendicitis.




What is Appendicitis?
Appendicitis self-diagnosis (+ early symptoms of appendicitis)


Gastrointestinal structure and appendix illustration 맹장염 자가진단

Appendicitis refers to an inflammation of the appendix, which is about 10 cm long, attached to the part that leads to the large intestine at the end of the small intestine. So, in other words, it is also called ‘appendicitis’, but in fact, appendicitis and appendicitis can be said to be different diseases. Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix, and appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix. However, in practice, the frequency of appendicitis is low and appendicitis is often known as appendicitis, so most of the two are used interchangeably. 좋은뉴스


Appendicitis is caused by obstruction of the appendix by hardened stool, foreign bodies, parasites, or inflammation of the intestine or appendix. Appendicitis is treated with antibiotics in the early stages or mild symptoms, but in most cases, the appendix is removed through surgery. After inflammation forms an abscess, surgery is not performed immediately, but antibiotics are administered to subside the inflammation, and appendectomy is performed 6 to 12 days later.


Appendicitis is a postoperative complication occurring in 5% to 10% of cases without perforation and 15% to 65% of cases with perforation. Perforation may occur, especially in the elderly or in children with immature serous membranes, and infection is the most common complication.




Illustration of a person feeling right lower abdominal pain


Appendicitis self-diagnosis
early symptoms of appendicitis

Usually, when the right lower abdomen hurts, it is thought to be an early symptom of appendicitis. We have summarized 10 self-diagnostic items for appendicitis below. If more than half of them apply, please go to the hospital as soon as possible and get tested.


● Appendicitis self-diagnosis test

Right lower abdominal pain (McBurney’s point: 1/3 point from the iliac side when the right iliac to the navel)
Pain when pressing on the right lower abdomen while lying down
Right leg nailed to stomach
The pain does not go away when you have a bowel movement
The intensity of the pain continues, but the pain gradually spreads from the right lower abdomen to the entire abdomen.
tired easily
Decreased motivation
body aches, chills

Some people who feel sensitive even to subtle pain feel signs of appendicitis 1 to 2 weeks before the onset of early symptoms, and then undergo excision surgery right away. In the very early stages, you may feel subtle pain near McBurney’s point. At this time, if you go to the hospital and get a diagnosis of appendicitis, the treatment period is shorter and the pain before and after surgery is less.


People with appendicitis usually say that it is so hard that they cannot walk, but the pain and prognosis are different for each individual. Upon examination, the appendix is properly blocked, so it is in a stone-like state or even after it bursts, there is no pain, so there are many cases where you do not know until you are examined. So, if the above self-diagnosis of appendicitis occurs, we recommend that you do not overlook it and go to the hospital right away.




man experiencing severe stomach pain


In this way, we have summarized the causes of appendicitis and self-diagnosis of appendicitis.


The most common cause of appendicitis (appendicitis) is a blockage of stool. In fact, no matter how healthy you are, you cannot prevent it. There is no clear way to prevent this, so if you feel any of the symptoms that fall under the self-diagnosis of appendicitis, I hope you get a hospital test right away, and I hope you don’t delay and the symptoms get worse and the pain doesn’t get longer. thank you